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  1. When registering, we will photograph you for identification purposes. These photos are protected under our privacy policy

  2. For safety reasons, a CCTV operates inside and outside the Destination Fitness facility. All videos are property of Destination Fitness and C.A Innovation Fitness.

  3. The class program and the trainers can be changed without notice. If a class is full, the trainer, for security reasons, may instruct a Member not to take part.

  4. A member who feels pain, malaise or has any blood pressure disorder should inform the gym and NOT take classes or any other activity.

  5. Children under the age of 14 cannot apply for the Gym unless they are accompanied by their guardian during their training.

  6. The gym assumes no responsibility for any accident that may occur to a member of the gym, in negligence of the member.

  7. The Gym will be used ONLY by its Members. With the registration of a new member there is a charge of 5 euros for registration fees and the membership card. The same charge applies to reissue, replacement of lost, stolen or damaged cards.

  8. The subscription is personal and covers only the use of the Gym by the registered Member. Subscriptions are prepaid and cannot be transferred to other people.

  9. Personal training will be performed exclusively by Destination Fitness trainers.

  10. The Personal Trainings of the 8, 12 16 and 20 sessions will last for one (1) hour each and must take place within a period of 30 days from the date of purchase of the package.

  11. The 5 & 10 visit service can be used within a period of 1 year from the date of purchase.

  12. Students and soldiers, when enrolled, must present their active student or military identity.

  13. Students packages are applicable for students until the age of 26 years.

  14. The packages for soldiers are applicable to non-professional soldiers aged 17-21.

  15. For any damage caused by the fault of the Member, the Gym should be compensated.

  16. Lockers are provided based on availability and only during the time the Member is in the Gym.

  17. The Gym does not guarantee that the use of the lockers ensures the security of personal belongings kept in them from theft or damage.

  18. The Gym has not responsibility for the theft or damage to any items belonging to the Member and are exposed to the Gym's premises and outside the parking area.

  19. When a member intents to cancel a subscription he / she is entitled to a refund if no use of the subscription package has been made. In case of partial use of the package, the amount to be refunded to the member is 30% of the amount corresponding to the period of the package that has not been used.

  20. If the Member has registered or renewed the membership and has never used the facilities and services of the Gym during the subscription period, he / she will be entitled to transfer to his / her next renewal the time he / she did not use.

  21. Freezing of the subscription time can be done in 200 & 400 days subscriptions packages and the freezing time is 2 & 4 weeks respectively and all of them should be made before the start of their freeze date.

  22. For medical reasons, and ONLY with a signed certificate, the freezing period may last for up to 8 weeks in total.

  23. The above terms and conditions may be modified by the address of the Gym without notice


  1. For verification purposes, before entering the Gym, each member must scan the membership card for verification by the card reader located at

    the main entrance.

  2. All free weights should be placed back in their stand after use by the member.

  3. All members should wear appropriate and clean athletic clothes and shoes and should pay special attention in their personal hygiene.

  4. Exercise with slippers or socks in not allowed. The use of magnesia or any kind of chalk it is also not allowed.

  5. Each member must use a personal towel at any time while using the gym.

  6. Smoking, the use of alcohol, anabolic steroids, narcotics or other prohibited substances are forbidden in the gym.

  7. If the Member is unaware of how an exercise is being performed or does not know the use of any workout machine, he / she should seek help

    from the trainers before using it.

  8. Aggressive language or other inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated in the gym. The management of the gym may require a member to

    withdraw from the gym and / or terminate his / her membership if the member exposes his / her own security or other members’ or does not comply with the rules of the gym.

TERMS & CONDITIONS for Referral Voucher

  1. Only members who have active subscription can participate in the referral program.

  2. Each existing member can recommend as many new candidate members as they want, using the relevant form/coupon that can be obtained from the gym reception.

  3. After the new member completes the registration, then only the existing member will be entitled to receive the extra days as a gift in his/her subscription.

  4. The extra days given as a gift, are the same for all the subscription packages.

Privacy Policy


Στο Destination Fitness, δεσμευόμαστε να προστατεύουμε την ιδιωτικότητα και τα προσωπικά δεδομένα των μελών μας. Αυτή η Πολιτική Απορρήτου περιγράφει πώς συλλέγουμε, χρησιμοποιούμε, και διατηρούμε τα προσωπικά σας δεδομένα, καθώς και τα δικαιώματα που έχετε σχετικά με αυτά.


Τύποι Δεδομένων που Συλλέγονται:

- Προσωπικά Στοιχεία: Όνομα, διεύθυνση, τηλέφωνο, email.

- Δεδομένα Υγείας: Ιατρικό ιστορικό, δεδομένα σωματικής κατάστασης.

- Συναλλαγματικά Δεδομένα: Στοιχεία πληρωμών και συνδρομών.


Σκοποί Επεξεργασίας:

Τα δεδομένα σας χρησιμοποιούνται για:

- Διαχείριση συνδρομών και παροχή υπηρεσιών.

- Επικοινωνία σχετικά με προσφορές και εκδηλώσεις.

- Βελτίωση των υπηρεσιών και της εμπειρίας πελάτη.


Δικαιώματα των Υποκειμένων:

Έχετε το δικαίωμα να ζητήσετε πρόσβαση, διόρθωση, διαγραφή ή περιορισμό στην επεξεργασία των δεδομένων σας. Επιπλέον, έχετε το δικαίωμα να αντιταχθείτε στην επεξεργασία και να ζητήσετε τη μεταφορά των δεδομένων σας.


Μέτρα Ασφαλείας:

Υιοθετούμε αυστηρά τεχνικά και οργανωτικά μέτρα για να προστατεύσουμε τα δεδομένα σας από ανεξουσιοδότητη πρόσβαση, αλλοίωση ή καταστροφή.



Για οποιαδήποτε ερωτήσεις ή ανησυχίες σχετικά με την πολιτική απορρήτου ή τα δεδομένα σας, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε στο

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